Muslimheart Posts 1
Salam Walaikum Brothers I feel the need to express my frustration and hopelessness for all the single or divorced women in my category Some brothers who are in the age range 50+ are not being realistic for their potential wives and I feel you could be Missing out on some of us who are mature good muslimahs You are 50 why are expecting someone in their 30's Why not someone your own age that you will have more in common with If you are 50+ why in the world are you still wanting children? You are limiting yourselves and so Many of us in our fifties are still nice looking and fairly active and need to have love and security Without settling as a second wife Also when a sister puts her profile out on the MUSLIM Marriage sites and she specifically says do no contact me if you are not already established in the US and you are not over 50 then RESPECT that and do not bother her!