minthebeliever Posts 1
Asalamuaylakum. We made this profile for our son because he feels that he is at that point of his life that he really wants to have a Wife. He is 19 years old, and in a society full of temptation, it can be hard for a young man his age when we raised him in an Islamic way where we don't believe in girlfriend/boyfriend stuff. So his Mom and I decided to help him look in a halal way. But it's even more difficult to find practicing young women close to his age that are ready for that same step. Most always say, "oh he's too young, let him have more experience in life first and then he should marry". Well we say that "the more time that passes, the harder it is not to sin when you are his age and really wants female companionship" InshaAllah Allah will work it all out. But any young women from 18-22yrs old,.... or 23 tops, If you are looking to marry the most kind and giving young man who always love to make others happy because it makes him happy, please send us a message so you'll can start to see if you'll have things in common. Insha-Allah everyone on this site will find who they are looking for. Asalamuaylakum wa rahmatulahee wabbawakatu